


New York city is considered a major city for the Dominican Republic, given the high percentage of Dominican citizens who live and work there, contributing with their remittances 10% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP).

With this photographic essay, made between 2007 and 2008, I try to mystify and demystify the American Dream of the dominicanYork, or "The Dominican dream".

It all began fortuitously with an encounter with the person who cleanses the bathrooms at the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), a Dominican, then with the street vendors of the 207st and Broadway or Washington Heights, through the Metropolitan Museum of Art (MET), ending at the JFK Airport.

Running away from poverty, leaving family and dreams behind, we get stuck halfway, finding shelter in the protective elements of the ghettos in a city that never sleeps.
This series dominicanYork, originally, talks exclusively about Dominicans living in New York City.

Or so I thought…

However, and due to the global economic crisis, I had to take a closer look at my essay, since the polyptychs portray not only the dominicanYork but also the majority of immigrants, legal and illegal, living in one of the city where the disaster originally took place, New York. Throughout the recession from its sentimental and economic capital.
In this context, how my work is conceived is related to that endless situation linked to a fragmentary sentiment of the picture, which generates more questions than answers, and from these questions emerge the casual or intentioned collaboration of friends and curators in the final construction of a sensitive and aesthetic puzzle without end, which is this photographic essay.